For parents who have questions about infant development and how to promote healthy development for their child. To facilitate optimal develop, therapy may be a variable option. Below, you will find examples of developmental skills that each discipline can address.
Occupational Therapy
Bilateral work with hands
Reciprocal interaction/Engaging with caregivers and peers
Sustained attention
Utensil use
Early visual skills such as tracking and fixating on objects
Sensory techniques to help regulate your irritable baby
Speech Therapy
Feeding from both breast and bottle
Early language development including babbling and first words
Oral motor development
Equipment for drinking: cup and straw
Following 1-2 step directions
Social Interaction- early play skills with peers and adults
Physical Therapy
Proper positioning (for strength and preventing flat head)
Head and Trunk control
Gross Motor Skills
Sitting, Crawling, Standing, Walking
Tolerating Tummy Time
Equipment and baby carriers